Sunday, December 9, 2007

Women...They're So Stupid. Perhaps Because They're Women.

Someone called my attention to this article:

Me? I'm totally clueless as to why she wanted to do this. What possible reason would she have to convert to a 'religion' that emphasises love and forgiveness and accepts women as children of the Almighty loved by Him from the day they're born to the day that they die (and even afterwards), when she could have remained a Muslim and be judged according to the proper criteria as to whether or not they're worthy before Allah (i.e. if you're female then you only have half the intelligence of a male, plus you're devious by nature which is why most females go straight to hell).

Maybe it was the fact that, as a woman, she's naturally deficient in the brains department. Who knows? I'm just glad that I'm a man and therefore have a head start with Allah (PBUH).

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