Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some Respect, Please.

So the controversy over the picture of Jesus, or as he's rightly named by Muslims, Issa (PBUH) that a Catholic put up on the wall in a staffroom at Manchester airport is still going on, with infidels all over the country writing enraged letters to newspapers saying that the pious Muslim involved had no right to complain about it...

Just what is it with these Christians?!?

This brother had every right to complain about the picture, as depicting any of the prophets is prohibited under Islam. Some people might moan about his complaint, saying that Britain is not an Islamic nation, but the entire world rightly belongs to Allah (PBUH), and one day, inshallah, the UK will become part of Dar-al-Islam. In fact, it's inevitable, and this brother was just standing up for the rights of Muslims everywhere.

Do people not realise how offensive this picture actually was? Not only did it break the aforementioned rule, but it depicted Issa (PBUH) as the "messiah". If he was and the Christian bible is right (which it obviously isn't), then that would mean that Mohammed (PBUH) wasn't a prophet at all and that he made everything up as he went along.

I'm filled with righteous rage even at the suggestion of the idea. That this brother called only for the picture to be taken down rather than to explode himself in a martyrdom operation is a testament to the tolerance and moderation that Islam encourages.

All we ask is that Christians respect our beliefs. It's not as if we're trying to force Islam upon them. Of course, Britain will one day be ruled according to sharia law, the Jews will eventually be pushed into the sea and atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Wiccans and Aetherians will be forced to convert to Islam or be beheaded, but Christians will have it easy and be tolerated as dhimmis, or protected people. They'll be expected to do all the menial jobs and ride nothing larger than a donkey, but at least they'll be alive to be grateful for the protected status that Islam grants them.

The kuffar worker who put up this picture was rightly suspended, and that decision should have stood. That he has not only been reinstated, but the brother who complained is now the object of criticism is just another example of how Muslims are unfairly discriminated against in this country.

So my message to Christians is this: we don't try to shove Islam down your throats, so don't try to shove your perverted religion down ours.


Anonymous said...

"Mohammed (My shit be upon his name) wasn't a prophet at all and that he made everything up as he went along."
Wow you should think about that because he did he was a desert raider who created his own mythology for one reason power, i hope their is a hell for people like you, jihad boy.

Anonymous said...

All we ask is that Christians respect our beliefs. It's not as if we're trying to force Islam upon them.
yes you are, all muslims what to conquer the world and make slaves out of non-muslims and rape women, thats your dream thats your religion. I have read your"holy" books and it a bunch of filth.

Anonymous said...

So this is your little blog to fight the infidels way to go Martyr. You will get your 72 virgins all right for your bravery. Was it 72 virgin girls or boys, since most muslims are pederases i am sure it is the latter.