Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The BBC Hits An All-Time Low

So 'Pinky and Perky' is now going to be returned to British TV screens all over the country, giving Muslim children everywhere completely the wrong idea about pigs.

As all observant Muslims will already know, pigs are disgusting animals who will eat anything, including their own faeces. This is one of the reasons why Allah (PBUH) declared pork haram, and why no self-respecting Muslim would ever have anything to do with pigs. They're even worse than the golden retriever guide dogs that we unsuspecting Muslim taxi drivers are sometimes asked to transport along with their owners.

I only own a TV set so that I can watch Al Jazeera on satellite along with the jihad videos that Mr Hamid sells from under the desk at my local Islamic book store, but there's always the possibility that one of my 11 children will turn on the TV while I'm at work and be exposed to this filth.

This is obviously an attempt by the BBC to undermine the Islamic faith in the minds of young children. We've long been told that the western media are owned and controlled by zionists and this blatant attack on Islam, along with the unconditional support of the zionist entity of Israel by the BBC and newspapers such as The Independent, is proof of that. Some people might point out that pork is also forbidden under Judaism, but to me this just goes to show that Jews aren't really religious at all and are just pretending to be pious.

I'm sorry, but I have to stop blogging now because I'm literally fuming over this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mahmoud, hows your children are they healthy? i hope so. Guess what we jews do run everything, and their is not a damn thing you can do about. Read the protocals brother and you will see that everything you read and see is orchestrated, but once again you can do nothing. Hows work, driving a taxi makes a lot of money so you do not need welfare from the kaffir, you would not accept their filthy money would you? holy man.I hope your kids are healthy i really do, did you know that by being violent you are pissing off everybody which is what we want, that way we will have reasons to invade your countries. We can moniter your phone calls, internet activity, bank accounts, everything. we own it all, the reason we allow immigrants into western countries is so when we bomb yours we can deny being racist but since you are so holy and to busy feeding your litter you can't rise up. The best thing about your religion is it keeps your people in the stone age and easy to countrol.
Take care of your kids now like a good little piggy, you all breed in litters.

Shalom, little Mahmoud